• Company directory

    The companies in the MST.factory dortmund

Company directory


Chimera Biotec GmbH

Chimera Biotec provides ultra sensitive GLP/GCP bioanalytical support for all phases of drug discovery and development. For over 15 years, we have specialized in supporting drug development programs with highest demands on bioanalytical quality.

Contact info
Company name Chimera Biotec GmbH
Address Emil-Figge Str. 76a
Zip Code & City 44227 Dortmund
Location BioMedizinZentrum (BMZ)
Wissenschafts- und Technologiecampus
Phone +49(0)231/9742-840
Fax +49(0)231/9742-844
Homepage http://www.chimera-biotec.com
E-Mail info@chimera-biotec.com
Contact person
Name Dr. Christian Wietholt
E-Mail info@chimera-biotec.com