• Company directory

    The companies in the MST.factory dortmund

Company directory



flexwork is your account to easy software development without all the pain from onboarding, getting estimation, micro-managing, communication, reporting, until billing.  

associated tenants
information and communication technology, multimedia
Contact info
Company name FXW GmbH
Address Emil-Figge-Str. 76 - 80
Zip Code & City 44227 Dortmund
Location TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO)
Wissenschafts- und Technologiecampus
Phone +49 231 226 186 10
Fax +49 231 226 186 48
Homepage https://www.flexwork.io/
E-Mail fd@flexwork.io
Contact person
Name Herr Ferit Demir
E-Mail fd@flexwork.io