• Company directory

    The companies in the MST.factory dortmund

Company directory


MukoCell GmbH

MukoCell GmbH is a pharmaceutical company focused on the development and distribution of tissue engineered produtcts. MukoCell has been successful in developing the first tissue engeneered product and technology, MukoCell®, in the field of urology worldwide, has developed a standardized manufacturing process and has brought this product to the market in Germany. MukoCell® is a laboratory-made tissue transplant of oral mucosa cells for the reconstruction of human tissue.

Contact info
Company name MukoCell GmbH
Address Otto-Hahn-Straße 15
Zip Code & City 44227 Dortmund
Location BioMedizinZentrum (BMZ)
Wissenschafts- und Technologiecampus
Phone +49 231 / 9742-6370
Homepage http://www.mukocell.com
E-Mail s.liebig@mukocell.com
Contact person
Name Sören Liebig
E-Mail s.liebig@mukocell.com